TSO Employee Benefits and Perks

TSOs (and all other TSA employees) are entitled to many benefits as employees of a federal agency.

Insurance and Retirement

Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) 

TSA employees, retirees, and their family members can access the largest range of health care plans in the country, via the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program. This program reduces the cost for the employee and allows them to enroll without having to report a pre-existing condition. Officers can choose from a wide variety of health care plans:

  • High-deductible, catastrophic coverage plans
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
  • Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
  • Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

Dental and Vision Care

Dental Assurance

TSA employees are eligible for dental insurance on an enrollee-pay-all basis. This program allows for the purchase of group dental insurance, which means competitive premiums and no limitations based on pre-existing conditions or diseases. Find out more about dental insurance on the following page.

Vision Assurance

Similar to dental insurance, TSA employees are provided with vision insurance. This program works on the same basis as dental insurance, and you can find all the details on the next page.


TSA offers retirement benefits at three levels:

  • Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)
  • Social Security
  • Thrift Saving Plans (TSP)

For more information, please visit the following page.

Life Insurance

Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) provides life insurance coverage for TSA employees and their families. Employees are automatically enrolled in the basic program, which is rated based on annual salary (+$2,000). In addition to this program, employees can choose standard coverage ($10,000) as well as optional coverage that can be up to five times their salary. Find all the relevant information on the following page.

Flex Spending Accounts

The Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS) is a federal program that allows employees to save money on health care expenses. It is a savings account that partially covers expenses that are not typically covered by health, dental, or vision services. For more information, go to the following page.

Annual and Sick Leave

TSA employees accrue time for annual leave and sick leave each pay period. Sick leave accrues at the rate of four hours per biweekly pay period. The annual leave accrual rate is based on seniority, status (full-time or part-time), and career level. To find out more, go to the following page.

Overtime and Holidays

For full-time employees, overtime may include any hours beyond the 8-hour workday, or 40-hour workweek, ordered in advance by management. For part-time employees, overtime is any hours beyond the calculated work schedule for a day (must be more than 8 hours) or week (must be more than 40 hours). For more information, go to the following page.

Transportation Subsidies

In some geographic areas, TSA provides transportation grants to offset travel costs.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

EAPs are voluntary, confidential programs specific to each federal agency. These programs provide many helpful resources for DHS employees and their families, including dependent care resources, financial counseling, legal assistance, counseling, referral to additional services for employees with personal and/or work-related concerns, and more. To find out more, go to the following page.